
Dedeuce - forgetting the score at a tennis match.
Enginears: Proximity detector for locomotives.
Racketeer - what a tennis player suffers from when his opponent wallops
him round the side of the head with the bat.
Umpire - Hunchback of Notre Dame on fire at a tennis match in spite of
thinking he's at a cricket match and loping around shouting, "The
bailes! The bailes!"
Car Barretta - what a priest wears while he's driving.
(If I've spelled it wrong, he's ballasted-well going along with a
resistance lamp on his head. Dangerous! It'll make him feel light
Impose - what a male artist's model does.
Indisposition - how the artist would like him to stand.
Santa Claws - Edward Scissorhands gets a new job!
Muggy - a humid day just before Teuggy, Weggy and Thurggy.
Icicle - a vocal utterance on a very cold day.


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